RCloud uses both parallel and distributed processing to handle the high throughput computing and data management needs required for the immense data sets that are now commonly available in big data problems. This is possible because we built in a chunk-wise compute + combine paradigm via customized functions for fast I/O. RCloud gives you superfast interactions with data in HDFS or other systems.

Developers collaborating together can open the same notebook to see what each other is doing and insert a new step or modify an existing one.

You might close an RCloud notebook at work and then open it again at home. You can access RCloud from anywhere and any connected device. This means you can access the RCloud environment, notebooks, results, and visualizations from anywhere. It uses web-based notebooks to document and provide data analysis. RCloud is readily accessible through a standard web browser. Using RCloud to collaborate with other developers, you can dynamically manage content and link together various elements of an analysis. You can form social circles around specific topic areas, and search for similar, relevant work, so you don’t have to recreate the wheel. With RCloud you can rate and share code with other developers. RCloud is a social coding environment, designed to jumpstart your work.